Wiggins: BHEF’s Data Science & Analytics Working Group

Feb 04 2016

Prof. Chris Wiggins was chosen to represent Columbia University on the Business-Higher Education Forum's (BHEF) Data Science & Analytics (DSA) Working Group (WG).

"BHEF is the nation's oldest membership organization of Fortune 500 CEOs, prominent college and university presidents, and other leaders dedicated to advancing innovative education and workforce solutions and improving U.S. competitiveness. BHEF's business and academic members collaborate in regions across the country to design and deploy education-workforce solutions in the high-demand and emerging fields that are so critical to innovation and national security. BHEF and its members drive change locally, work to influence public policy at the national and state levels, and inspire other leaders to act.

Through its members, BHEF promotes business and higher education collaboration to increase baccalaureate attainment, especially for underrepresented populations, better align higher education with national and regional workforce needs, and ensure the achievement of essential learning outcomes." - http://www.bhef.com/

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